There Is No Consensus Big Al

Consensus? Really? Here are a few links among hundreds or maybe thousands that essentially say, "Mr. Gore, you are either ignorant, stupid, or a shameless liar. In any case, you are selfish and dangerous and your false propaganda will cause more pain and strife for people all over the world."

This article was originally posted in October of 2007 but it has been added to since then.

"... when NASA released a report Monday claiming "... the rapid decline in winter perennial ice the past two years was caused by unusual winds," virtually no media outlets shared the information with the citizenry, and those that did still blamed the melting ice on - you guessed it - global warming. Yet the largely boycotted announcement out of NASA stated no such thing ..." Go to NASA for the report.

"Gore's circumstantial arguments are so weak that they are pathetic. It is simply incredible that they, and his film, are commanding public attention." Professor Bob Carter of the Marine Geophysical Laboratory at James Cook University, in Australia. More ...

"... two-thirds of more than 530 climate scientists from 27 countries surveyed did not believe that 'the current state of scientific knowledge is developed well enough to allow for a reasonable assessment of the effects of greenhouse gases.'" More ...

Regarding Al Gore's policies and positions, which the Nobel committee celebrated and mentioned as one of the reasons for giving him the award, Marlo Lewis, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, once said that, "... I think those policies lead to global instability and political strife, within nations and between nations." He also itemized specific misrepresentations in Gore's global warming film in a video interview. See the video ...

"It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create in allusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental whacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the “research” to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims. Their friends in government steered huge research grants their way to keep the movement going. Soon they claimed to be a consensus." John Coleman, founder of The Weather Channel Click here for the full text.

TWC founder and global warming skeptic advocates suing Al Gore to expose 'the fraud of global warming.'
Click here for the full text and a video.

Lord Christopher Monckton Warns Global Warming Alarmism 'Kills People If You Get the Science Wrong' Read more ...

Readin', Writin' And Warmin' Read more ...

A Layman's Guide to Man-Made Global Warming Read more ...

10 Billion Acres Read more ...

Climate Change Fraud Read more ...

A Chat With Big Al

This is a "fantasy-strip" about what "happened" when I caught Big Al off camera and off mike. 
Click on each image to enlarge (Click on the left image first.) 

Climate Skeptics Reveal ‘Horror Stories’ of Scientific Suppression

NYC Climate Conference
Further Debunks ‘Consensus’ Claims

The Blog of Record for theInternational Climate Conference

New York, New York – Scientists skeptical of man-made climate fears meeting at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change in New York City described the “absolute horror stories” about how some scientific journals have engaged in “outrageous and unethical behavior” in attempting to suppress them from publishing their work in peer-reviewed journals.

This is more evidence of the liberal fascist behavior that is becoming more strident as criticism from dissenting scientists gains momentum.
Read more ...